FaIth in Every Season
By Melchiezedek Adico
Madch 2017
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
It is very easy for us to claim that we have faith when things are going well and in
accordance to our plans. But it’s difficult when you are facing trials or have reached
obstacles that are hard to overcome. This is truly the point that your faith is put to the
test. Let’s focus on the following words within this scripture; ‘confidence’, ‘hope’,
‘assurance’ and ‘do not see’.
So what’s the opposite of confidence? Doubt. Now doubt and faith do not appear in the same
equation. You can’t scream at the top of your lungs “with God nothing is impossible” Luke
1:37. Yet turn around and say ‘but’. No! When it comes to faith in God, forget about the
what’s, the when’s and the why’s. Focus on the who. God is the who you are depending and
relying on, so have faith in his infinite ability and don’t limit Him to the things of this
world alone because remember He can do “exceeding abundantly above all that we think or ask”
Ephesians 20:21. Therefore, even if you don’t have confidence in yourself, have confidence in
God because he will not let you down.
Hebrews 11:1
It is very easy for us to claim that we have faith when things are going well and in
accordance to our plans. But it’s difficult when you are facing trials or have reached
obstacles that are hard to overcome. This is truly the point that your faith is put to the
test. Let’s focus on the following words within this scripture; ‘confidence’, ‘hope’,
‘assurance’ and ‘do not see’.
So what’s the opposite of confidence? Doubt. Now doubt and faith do not appear in the same
equation. You can’t scream at the top of your lungs “with God nothing is impossible” Luke
1:37. Yet turn around and say ‘but’. No! When it comes to faith in God, forget about the
what’s, the when’s and the why’s. Focus on the who. God is the who you are depending and
relying on, so have faith in his infinite ability and don’t limit Him to the things of this
world alone because remember He can do “exceeding abundantly above all that we think or ask”
Ephesians 20:21. Therefore, even if you don’t have confidence in yourself, have confidence in
God because he will not let you down.
2. Hope
Hmmm, it’s not easy to be hopeful when things seem to always go wrong or when your plans
always seem to fall through. Have you ever heard the saying “if you don’t expect anything, you
won’t be disappointed”. This is a pessimistic approach to life. But sometimes it can be the
easiest and less painful option, just give up so you don’t get let down. However, just because
things are not going according to your plan, it doesn’t mean it is not going according to
God’s. Remember what God says concerning our lives “for I know the plans I have for you”, He
knows them but we don’t. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you” He has our back and has
great things in store for us, therefore all we need to do is trust Him. “Plans to give you a
hope and a future”. Therefore be hopeful because there is a bright light at the end of the
tunnel. Jeremiah 29:11
Hmmm, it’s not easy to be hopeful when things seem to always go wrong or when your plans
always seem to fall through. Have you ever heard the saying “if you don’t expect anything, you
won’t be disappointed”. This is a pessimistic approach to life. But sometimes it can be the
easiest and less painful option, just give up so you don’t get let down. However, just because
things are not going according to your plan, it doesn’t mean it is not going according to
God’s. Remember what God says concerning our lives “for I know the plans I have for you”, He
knows them but we don’t. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you” He has our back and has
great things in store for us, therefore all we need to do is trust Him. “Plans to give you a
hope and a future”. Therefore be hopeful because there is a bright light at the end of the
tunnel. Jeremiah 29:11
3) Assurance
Confidence in the promise. This is the attribute we should exercise when it comes to faith.
For the reason that, it’s based on the idea that the manifestation of the promise, pledge or
covenant made with God is guaranteed to happen. Therefore, the promise in Jeremiah 29:11
shouldn’t be something you chant like a robot but it should remind you of the promise that God
has over your life. So be assured and confident.
Confidence in the promise. This is the attribute we should exercise when it comes to faith.
For the reason that, it’s based on the idea that the manifestation of the promise, pledge or
covenant made with God is guaranteed to happen. Therefore, the promise in Jeremiah 29:11
shouldn’t be something you chant like a robot but it should remind you of the promise that God
has over your life. So be assured and confident.
4) Do not see
Faith is believing in something with all of your heart and soul, even though you cannot
physically see it. However, you believe because God said it therefore He will accomplish it.
Let the church say Amen! Ameeen! Nonetheless, this is the hardest part because as humans we
are taught to ask for or present evidence. From GCSE times PEE (Point, evidence and explain).
As a result, if there is no evidence we discredit it. For this reason, the people around you
who don’t believe in God or don’t have faith, will look at you like you are crazy and try to
discourage you. But don’t forget who you are serving. Don’t forget what God has already done,
what He is doing and what He says He is yet to do. Instead ponder on these words as you wait
patiently in faith:
My eyes have not seen it, by faith I receive it. It will manifest. It’s already done.
Faith is believing in something with all of your heart and soul, even though you cannot
physically see it. However, you believe because God said it therefore He will accomplish it.
Let the church say Amen! Ameeen! Nonetheless, this is the hardest part because as humans we
are taught to ask for or present evidence. From GCSE times PEE (Point, evidence and explain).
As a result, if there is no evidence we discredit it. For this reason, the people around you
who don’t believe in God or don’t have faith, will look at you like you are crazy and try to
discourage you. But don’t forget who you are serving. Don’t forget what God has already done,
what He is doing and what He says He is yet to do. Instead ponder on these words as you wait
patiently in faith:
My eyes have not seen it, by faith I receive it. It will manifest. It’s already done.